Services and activities for English speakers:
> Social workers and trained volunteers are strengthening people’s resilience and providing emotional support

> Financial aid from ESRA’s Welfare Fund, for those in crisis
> 24/7 emergency line providing vital information and emergency help

> Daily online talks on relevant topics with professionals, enrichment and stress-relief activities for the whole family 
Support in-need communities in the south:
> Providing financial aid to those referred to us by government social workers

> Online educational reinforcement for schoolchildren  

> Donated packages of clothing and goods to families evacuated from the south 
> Hosting evacuated families - No one shall be left alone!
ESRA provides these services and activities free of charge! 
When an emergency strikes, and this one is unprecedented, the people take action, and ESRA, the home of English speakers in Israel, is among the first.

We are devoting our resources to meet the needs of communities in the south, as well as those of English speaking Olim, while we continue our education projects for schoolchildren, university students and special needs groups, and our welfare fund helps meet people’s financial emergencies. >>> |  +972 9 9508371 | 
ESRA English Speaking Residents Association
Non-Profit & Public Institution No. 580037455