| Dear Friends,
What an exciting year we had in 5782! We left COVID-19 and its masks behind and turned back to greeting each other face-to-face. It was wonderful to meet many of you in Jerusalem during the last Board of Governors.
The Hebrew University went through a remarkable year in research, academic achievements, scientific publications, teaching, international collaboration, and more. Our 77th Shanghai ranking is the best proof of this and makes us very proud!
This newsletter will bring you some recent news, and you can read about exciting upcoming events in Europe. More events will be announced shortly.
I wish you and your family Shana Tova and Chag Sameach!
Best wishes for good health and prosperity in the upcoming year!
Shana Tova,
Daniel Shriqui
Shana Tova from all of us
Scopus, The magazine of the Hebrew University
We are extremely pleased and excited to share the new issue of The Hebrew University of Jerusalem's yearly Magazine Scopus, which focuses on Leadership for Tomorrow.
| | Hebrew University Ranks 77th Worldwide and #1 in Israel
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (HU) climbed 13 places to rank 77th among the world’s top universities and number one in Israel, according to the 2022 Academic Ranking of World Universities.
Desert Regions May Be Best Predictors of Climate Change in Wetter Areas
Hebrew University scientists suggest that climate change is causing these dryland mechanisms to increasingly affect Earth’s wetter areas.
| Israel’s Hebrew University & Volcani Institute Team Up to Prevent Looming Global Food Crisis
A new research study led by the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (HU) and Israel’s Agricultural Research Organization (Volcani Institute) details the success of a biological sensor for the early detection of hidden disease in potato tubers, one of Israel’s chief export industries at 700,000 tons a year.
TU Vienna and HU Develop "Light Trap"— Beam of Light Prevents Itself from Escaping, Allowing Light to be Absorbed Perfectly
Research teams from TU Wien and from The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (HU) have found a surprising trick that allows a beam of light to be completely absorbed even in the thinnest of layers. |
| | Ancient Anatomy in the Digital Age
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The heart has often been used as a symbol of romantic love. But if you ask Dr. Orly Lewis, of Hebrew University's Department of Classics in the Faculty of Humanities, the heart, and how its defined in ancient Greek and Roman texts, could mean many other things. That’s because Lewis studies anatomy in ancient Greece and Rome, and how people back then explored and interpreted the living body, its structure and its workings. Today, Lewis is working on a ground breaking multidisciplinary research project firmly positioned in the innovative area of the digital humanities, implementing a novel and innovative model for studying ancient science and medicine. |
An evening about staying young |
Berlin, October 18
Exclusive invitation of the Friends of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem to the Bertelsmann Stiftung Berlin.
Wonders of Medicine at the Novartis Pavillon
Basel, October 19
Guided tour by Dr. Frank Petersen - at the Novartis Pavillon
SAVE THE DATE: 86th International Board of Governors Gathering
Jerusalem, June 09-14 2023 Join the European Friends of Hebrew University for an unforgettable international gathering at the 86th Annual Hebrew University of Jerusalem’s Board of Governors Meeting in Israel!
German State Secretary Visit to HU
Jerusalem, September 14, 2022
State Secretary Dr. Jens Brandenburg and a delegation from the German Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF) visited The HU. It was Dr. Brandenburg`s first visit to Israel and Hebrew University, where he met with representatives of HUJI leadership and leading scientists in AI in medicine, computer science, and agriculture, as well as with the director and fellows of the Martin Buber Society of Fellows.
Guided Tour at the Positions Berlin Art Fair |
Berlin, September 16, 2022
Thank you to the German Friends of the Hebrew University who organized a Guided Tour at the Positions Berlin Art Fair!
The European Desk
Division for Advancement and External Relations
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Mount Scopus 9190501, Jerusalem
Tel: +972.2.588.0494